Hot gay movies list

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(1) Stranger by the Lake (2013): We got very familiar with the stars of Stranger by the Lake as well as the porn-star cock doubles they enlisted for their explicit gay-sex scenes. Since then, gay films have made a remarkable following in the Philippine cinema, may it be comedic or dramatic, or. Nothing holds a candle to their ball-grabbing, peach-batin’, cum-wipin' good time. Gay films, or LGBT/Queer Cinema has been thriving since the comedic portrayals in the early 1950s Mar Torres’ Jack and Jill, 1955 and the most honest, yet pioneering gay reflections in Lino Brocka’s Tubog Sa Ginto in 1971. (2) Call Me by Your Name (2017): Even with all that jizz, it’s tough to beat the mix of cultural impact and supreme sexiness of CMBYT. Stars Josh O’Connor and Alec Secareanu have down and dirty gay sex and even go frontal for a barnyard heart-to-hard-on. (3) God’s Own Country (2017): Britain’s answer to Call Me by Your Name, God’s Own Country, proved that UK stands for Uncut Kock. (4) King Cobra (2016): While portraying gay-porn star Brent Corrigan, Disney starlet Garrett Clayton expanded his horizons during numerous salacious gay sex scenes. (5) Beach Rats (2017): As a closeted beach bro, future star Harris Dickinson experimented with older dudes and even showed his Hairless Dickinson!

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